Construction Manager Advisor

The Construction Manager Advisor (CMa) provides a complete range of services that can be customized to your specific needs. In this delivery the owner selects a CMa and design team around the same time. As the design team completes the schematic drawings, the CMa performs schematic budgets to verify the project is on-track with the owner’s goals. The CMa also performs design constructability reviews as well as value engineering, sustainable building initiatives (LEED) and program compliance reviews of the drawings to eliminate unnecessary costs and errors. When the drawings are complete, the CMa bundles the project into bid packages to maximize competition. The CMa then manages the biding process and the selection of a general contractor and/or separate prime contractors and vendors.

In the CMa delivery method, the Customer holds all the contracts including the Design Team’s, the Construction Manager’s, the contractors and material suppliers. The CMa manages all the contracts on behalf of the Owner. The CMa does not self-perform work or directly contract with contractors or suppliers and therefore has no legal responsibility for the performance of the actual construction work thereby preserving their independent judgment from being influenced by any monetary interest. This also provides optimum flexibility in contracting and procurement. If a general contractor is hired, the owner signs an agreement directly with the general contractor. If no general contractor is retained, then the owner contracts directly with the subcontractors and material suppliers.

HCM understands the importance and the responsibility of acting as the Owner’s advocate in all matters associated with design and construction. The integration of design and construction during project inception, which the CMa process promotes, creates an environment of collaboration, teamwork and accountability in pursuit of common objectives and ensures success for all participants throughout the process.